Our Services

What We Offer

We offer technology-driven, innovative and competitively priced enterprise loans appropriate to our clients’ everyday needs. This is bundled with business training and advisory services.

Our Financial Solutions

Micro business loans

Individual entrepreneurs
operating micro enterprises

SME loans

Individual entrepreneurs operating
Small or Medium enterprises.

Personal loans

Individuals seeking
personal loans

SSB loans

Salary-based loans
and direct debit deductions

Asset finance loans

Get financing for
asset purchases

Training & Advisory

Business traing and
advisory services

Fresh working capital solutions

The Value of
The Customer

"To us, customer centricity is not just a corporate value we have stuck on our wall, but it is a culture we have inculcated in all our staff upon realisation that our clients are at the centre of everything we do."
Tamirira Rusheche
Managing Director,
Microhub Financial Services

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